Here is a belated update of our library collection.
From our old & new collection: books form Japan, something for holidays, architectural & design inspirations.... and many more at the salon. Hope you enjoy!
Supplement to the Italian Dictionary
Bruno Munari
A well designed book of Italian hand gestures. All you need is some body-language skills with big smile and you will manage to get by pretty much anywhere (we're very good at this when we go on holidays)!
A surprise gift from our lovely friend couple. Thank you Vanessa & Benjamin! An useful book for all of us.
Four Thousand Threads
Dick Jewell
A collection of 4000 found images from various social medias, carefully put together by the artist. Funny enough, I found about this book form a thread on a social media.
Once you start you can't stop! You will notice that each image moves onto the next image like a slow moving story.
Some of the pictures are very funny, so be careful when you see this book in public spaces!
ソーシャルメディアを題材にした作品を多く発表しているアーティストDick Jewellによる、4000枚の写真が収められた写真集。偶然にもこの本を知ったのも、あるソーシャルメディアのスレッドからだから、ソーシャルメディアのパワーってすごい。
Encyclopaedia of Stationeries 文房具図鑑
Kentaro Yamamoto 山本健太郎
Originally started as a Summer holiday project by a Japanese 12 year old boy Kentaro, this all-hand-drawn encyclopaedia of stationeries is a remarkably detailed work of art. He amazingly covers form Japanese stationeries to Western stationeries, from small names to big names. A future stationery master is here!

Lucky Peach
The Pho Issue, Summer 2016
Our favourite food magazine does Pho finally.
Nothing can beat a 12 hours broth Pho with big pile of fresh herbs, but why not an instant Pho sometimes?
Pho is good, because you feel good and healthy eating it somehow, definitely a lot healthier choice than Ramen. This issue will make you want to fly to Vietnam!