New books and magazines at BHC. Please come and enjoy.
Norah Magazine - Craft Issue
A lovely magazine from Japan - Norah Magazine. The magazine was founded by a farmer's market organiser. As the title Norah (comes from 野良仕事 'farm work' in Japanese)suggests, each issue features things to inspire slow and independent living. In this issue, their focus is on handicrafts and other thing made with care and passion. Every issue is printed on offcuts produced by publishers, so each page has slightly different texture.
Métier - Small Business in London, Laura Braun
A book about small independent business in London. Sadly some of them have closed already, but very nice to see those specialists being appreciated.
The Gourmand - A food and culture journal - Issue 03
A biannual journal about food and culture.
Some fascinating work tools of Peta O'Brien, a food stylist/organic model maker, and some extraordinary representation of James Wannerton's Sunday roasts interpretations. Because of his rare condition, he experiences words and sounds as tastes, so a sound of bubble wrapping tastes as a roast pork to him (picture bottom). How interesting!
年二回発行のフード&カルチャー誌です。フードスタイリストでもありモデルメーカーでもある、Peta O'Brien氏愛用の仕事道具についての記事をはじめ、とても印象的だったのが、James Wannerton氏の持つ、音と言葉を味覚として判断してしまう珍しい症状についてのイメージシリーズ。包装のプチプチの音を聞くと、ローストポークの味がしてしまうそう!こんな感じで、彼の感じる、サンデーローストのメニューが写真にまとめてあります(写真下)。